Sheldon Hotel Remodel - Trost Society

Sheldon Hotel Remodel

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Sheldon Hotel Remodel

The Sheldon Office Block was erected in 1881, designed by iconic early El Paso architect Edward Kneezell. In 1900, the Italianate building was remodeled into a Hotel by architect Walter Parfitt; then renovated into a more modern structure a decade later by the firm of Trost & Trost. The Hotel was destroyed by fire in 1929. For more information, please see

Photographs courtesy of the El Paso Public Library, via the UNT Digital Archives.

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Hotel
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1909
Address: 102 W Mills Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, USA
Condition: Destroyed
