Posener Building (Little Caples) - Trost Society

Posener Building (Little Caples)

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Posener Building (Little Caples)

The Posener Building was erected for El Paso entrepreneur and former Mayor Richard Caples in 1910. The building, designed in what the architects Trost & Trost described as a “New American” style, was demolished in 1941. The structure was unusually rounded at the south and western elevations, and was very unique in appearance. It was diagonally across the San Antonio-Mesa intersection from the Richard Caples building, and was lovingly called the Little Caples. For more information, please see https://www.henrytrost.org/buildings/little-caples-building/

Photograph is courtesy of the El Paso Public Library’s Aultman Collection, via the El Paso Museum of History’s DIGIE (https://www.digie.org/en/media/4)

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names: Posener Building
Type: Commercial
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1910
Address: 101 N Mesa St, El Paso, TX 79901, USA
Condition: Demolished