Lincoln Residence - Trost Society

Lincoln Residence

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Lincoln Residence

The B.C. Lincoln Residence was completed in circa 1901 and designed by Henry C. Trost, independently of the firm of Trost & Rust. The home, which stands today in excellent condition, foreshadows some of the Prairie School style he adopted in later years in El Paso, including the “Arid America” four foot overhanging eaves and doubled exterior walls designed to keep the home cool. The residence was restored in 1977. For more information, please see

Modern photograph is a Google Earth Street View accessed 12/28/2021. Old photo is a screenshot from the 1907 Trost & Trost advertising booklet, page 30, accessed at the UNT Digital Archives at

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1901
Address: 422 South Fifth Avenue, Tucson, AZ
Condition: Restored
