Korrick Department Store - Trost Society

Korrick Department Store

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Korrick Department Store

The Korrick Department Store building was completed in 1913, designed by Trost & Trost, located at the corner that Sam Korrick had operated the New York Store since circa 1890. After the sudden and unexpected passing of Sam in 1903, his brothers Charles and Abraham took the reigns and built Korricks into one of the most respected Dry Goods outlets in Arizona – and with skyrocketing sales had Trost & Trost design their new four story store. Although the building stands today, it was remodeled extensively in 1957 to look more modern, losing the Trost design features which were either removed or covered.  For more information, please see https://www.henrytrost.org/buildings/korrick-department-store/ and the Cutler*Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center at https://www.azjhs.org/mid-century-korricks-department-store.

Photograph courtesy of the Cutler*Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center, linked to above.

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Commercial
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1913
Address: First and Washington St. Phoenix, AZ
Condition: Extant