Hoffecker Residence
The 1908 Hoffecker Residence, located at 1514 Montana in El Paso, is a very interesting Neoclassical designed single-family home. Erected in 1908, it was designed by its owner and builder Lyman W. Hoffecker, with “advice and help” (his quote) from his friend and business associate Henry C. Trost. We’re unsure how much advice and help he received from Trost, and we may never know. The home has an interesting design, with a set of four Greek Ionic pillars and two identical pilasters supporting a roof over an immense portico that covers the entire front of the home. Interestingly, the building has no pediment.
Historical enthusiasts compare this building to Trost’s 1906 Zach White Residence, however the Zach White has Corinthian pillars (instead of Ionic), a much smaller portico, and includes the pediment missing from the Hoffecker. Both buildings have the same linear quoins and a similar second story balcony, however.
A search of period City Directories shows Lyman Hoffecker as a successful contractor and supplier of Sash, Doors, Plate and Window Glass, and structural iron. According to an advertisement he placed in the 1907 Trost & Trost booklet , he provided “the majority of Millwork” for existing Trost-designed buildings to date.
The home today seems to be in poor condition, with paint peeling and repair needed on the wooden cornice and balcony. We don’t believe the building is occupied at this time. Nevertheless, even in its run-down condition, it is still an imposing presence, holding its own in that historical stretch up Montana.
For more information, please see https://www.facebook.com/TrostSociety/posts/2665564753561574
Image taken by Mark Stone 2/04/2020
— Mark Stone
Additional Details
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1908
Address: 1514 Montana Avenue, El Paso
Condition: Extant