Gray Residence
The Douglas Gray residence in El Paso was designed by Trost & Trost in one of Henry C. Trost’s unique blends of Spanish Revival, Mission and Colonial architecture. The style of this 1904 structure is very, very reminiscent of Trost work in Bisbee and Tucson, Arizona, including the nearly identical Mark Smith residence. The Gray home was designed within 4 years of his Arizona masterpieces, however the unique blend of architecture reflected here was (sadly) never used again by the firm. The home stands today in a somewhat run-down condition. For more information, please see https://www.henrytrost.org/buildings/gray-residence/.
Old photographs are courtesy of the El Paso Public Library’s Ponsford Collection, via the UNT Digital Repository. Modern picture is a Google Earth Street View, accessed 2019.
— Mark Stone
Additional Details
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1904
Address: 1205 North El Paso Street, El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Condition: Extant