Gardiner Residence - Trost Society

Gardiner Residence

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Gardiner Residence

The John Gardiner Residence was erected in 1899-1900, designed by Henry C. Trost as one of his earlier Tucson designs. The home stands today in great condition at 144 E. University Blvd. Researchers previously believed the address of the Gardiner home to be 49 S. 5th Avenue (see, however the Tucson City Directory from 1902 identifies the location of his home as 144 E. 3rd Street – today’s University. The 49 S. 5th address was the foundry and machine shops of Gardiner, Worthen & Goss, a business John Gardiner owned jointly with his partners. We have included a screenshot of the appropriate page from that city directory, courtesy of the Arizona Memory Project at

Photograph is a Google Earth Street View, accessed 12/30/2021

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1900
Address: 144 East University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, USA
Condition: Extant
