Fariss Hotel - Trost Society

Fariss Hotel

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Fariss Hotel

The Fariss Hotel was designed by the firm of Trost & Weston, and erected in Pueblo, Colorado in circa 1882. It was a four-story red brick structure designed in an Italianate style, located at 315 N. Union. The Hotel closed by 1904, and the building was utilized for retail until it was demolished in 1991.

For more information, please see https://www.henrytrost.org/buildings/fariss-hotel/

Photograph of the Fariss Hotel is from a Postcard that was for sale at https://www.hipstamp.com/

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Hotel
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1882
Address: 315 North Union Avenue, Pueblo, CO, USA
Condition: Demolished