Crawford Hotel - Trost Society

Crawford Hotel

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Crawford Hotel

The Trost & Trost designed Crawford Hotel was completed and opened on Thanksgiving Day 1927, in Big Spring, Texas. A competing hotel, the Cole, was destroyed by fire during the summer of the same year, so the Crawford needed to open 3 weeks earlier than scheduled. The Crawford, located on the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Scurry, was demolished October 1968. The building was a seven-story brick structure, in an Early 20th Century Commercial design, with Spanish Colonial accents. The building faced south, with its frontage on Scurry. For more information, please see

Photographs are both courtesy of, via pinterest.

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Hotel
Construction Date: Nov 26, 1927
Address: 308 Scurry St, Big Spring, TX 79720, USA
Condition: Demolished
