Jonathan Dodge Residence
The Dodge Residence was erected in 1903, originally for El Paso attorney Jonathan Dodge, but was sold the following year to Dr. James Brady. The home, designed by Trost & Trost, was built in a unique eclectic blend of Italianate and Spanish styles that sets it apart from most other Trost designed El Paso residences. It is very reminiscent of Trost’s earlier work in Tucson, Arizona, with associate architect Robert Rust. The home stands today in excellent condition, although much of the Trost design has been remodeled away. For more information, please see https://www.henrytrost.org/buildings/brady-residence/.
Old photograph is courtesy of the El Paso Public Library’s Ponsford Collection, via the UNT Digital Archives. Modern photo is a Google Earth Street View accessed 04/14/2022.
— Mark Stone
Additional Details
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1903
Address: 1409 Montana Avenue, El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Condition: Extant