Alta Vista School
Alta Vista School was erected in 1912, designed by the firm of Trost & Trost. Built with some controversy, it was opened for students on September 3. The building stands today in excellent condition, however is no longer in use as a school and is vacant. For the historical narrative of its erection, please see https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=3032754066842639&id=385227854928620.
Modern photographs taken by Mark Stone on 07/13/2020. A note that there are so many additions to the building, that photography of the Trost design is very difficult. Old photograph from the El Paso Public Library’s Otis Aultman Collection, via the UNT Digital Archives at https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth875426/?q=Alta%20Vista%20School. This photo is marked Ponsford 419.
— Mark Stone
Additional Details
Type: Education
Construction Date: Sep 3, 1912
Address: 3500 La Luz El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Condition: Extant