Goodrich Residence - Trost Society

Goodrich Residence

Hotel Paso Del Norte

Goodrich Residence

The Goodrich Residence in Tucson is a brilliantly designed Prairie School structure completed in 1908 and designed by Trost & Trost. In this home we see the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright on the design, which is quite reminiscent of the Wright designed Dana-Thomas Residence in Springfield, IL and the Henry Trost home in El Paso. The building stands today in excellent condition as the home of the Gamma Rho fraternity at the University of Arizona. For more information, please see

Photographs courtesy of the Arizona Farm Bureau at, and the James Company at

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1908
Address: 645 East University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, USA
Condition: Restored
