William Tooley Residence - Trost Society

William Tooley Residence

Hotel Paso Del Norte

William Tooley Residence

The William Tooley residence was erected in circa 1906 in a Craftsman Foursquare style, designed by Trost & Trost. The home, which is next-door to the Henry C. Trost residence on Yandell in El Paso, stands today in good condition. For more information, including fascinating information about the original owner, please see https://www.facebook.com/TrostSociety/posts/2746160892168626.

Photographs are Google Earth Street Views, accessed 03/15/2020

— Mark Stone

Additional Details

Other Names:
Type: Domestic
Construction Date: Jan 1, 1906
Address: 1011 West Yandell Drive, El Paso, TX
Condition: Extant
